By : Bahrul Ulum
Throughout the world the use of aluminum composite panel is already a requirement in a modern building.
Aluminum composite panel structure made of a layer of weather-resistant making it as the last choice for a effisiensi.
Color and design of a dynamic display will be able to make a building a good and artistic impression. Even for an old building, if the layer of aluminum composite panel will be dazzled into a building with a modern look.
In the ago, may Aluminum composite panel is to be expensive goods. Still less do we find a building for Aluminum composite panel. But now in line with the development of this era of globalization, many choices of products Aluminum composite panels that we can select. Of course this is related to the quality of the materials. Price determined by the square meter, ranged between 15 - 60 U.S. Dollar.
According to my experience, the resilience of aluminum composite panel can reach between 10 - 30 years of use, depending on the author's factory warranty. And the color of the visible surface of the immune also vary. Approximately between 5 - 15 years, even some of the factory 25 years to ensure the resilience of color.
For now, have many kinds of colors of Aluminum composite panel, which you can choose according to taste. It starts from the standard colors such as white, blue, red, green, silver, yellow, and futuristic colors or non standard colors like gold, chroom (color glass), wood grain, marble colors, etc.. Unfortunately ... for non-standard color sometimes quite difficult in our order the goods.This is because the factories rarely make a lot of stock for a certain type of color. If we want to make a booking order for a certain type of color, then we will order a minimum of about 1,000 m2. This can prevent the small kontaktor that are building a small-scale building .
We hope, with the development of technology and also of business competition, then the manufacturer of aluminum composite panel will be more concerned with building contractors to build a small scale that only a few hundred meters this Aluminum composite panel.
Color and design of a dynamic display will be able to make a building a good and artistic impression. Even for an old building, if the layer of aluminum composite panel will be dazzled into a building with a modern look.
In the ago, may Aluminum composite panel is to be expensive goods. Still less do we find a building for Aluminum composite panel. But now in line with the development of this era of globalization, many choices of products Aluminum composite panels that we can select. Of course this is related to the quality of the materials. Price determined by the square meter, ranged between 15 - 60 U.S. Dollar.
According to my experience, the resilience of aluminum composite panel can reach between 10 - 30 years of use, depending on the author's factory warranty. And the color of the visible surface of the immune also vary. Approximately between 5 - 15 years, even some of the factory 25 years to ensure the resilience of color.
For now, have many kinds of colors of Aluminum composite panel, which you can choose according to taste. It starts from the standard colors such as white, blue, red, green, silver, yellow, and futuristic colors or non standard colors like gold, chroom (color glass), wood grain, marble colors, etc.. Unfortunately ... for non-standard color sometimes quite difficult in our order the goods.This is because the factories rarely make a lot of stock for a certain type of color. If we want to make a booking order for a certain type of color, then we will order a minimum of about 1,000 m2. This can prevent the small kontaktor that are building a small-scale building .
We hope, with the development of technology and also of business competition, then the manufacturer of aluminum composite panel will be more concerned with building contractors to build a small scale that only a few hundred meters this Aluminum composite panel.
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